After-market installation problems uncovered

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Ford Motor Company recently announced it would pay to repair Ford Explorer SUVs used by law enforcement across the country. The company blamed after-market police equipment installed on the vehicles for causing the carbon monoxide leaks.

Holes drilled in the under body left gaps that allowed exhaust to enter the vehicle’s cabin. A better seal would have avoided the issue from occurring. How was the installation/manufacturing defect discovered?

Uncovering the issue

In February, the Austin police department started to investigate why officers were reportedly feeling dizzy and getting headaches while driving their vehicles. One of their officers even blacked out while behind the wheel. They started to suspect that exhaust might be the issue.

The problem was not isolated to their department and reports started coming in from other parts of the country including Auburn, Massachusetts, Modesto and other parts of Texas.The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration had also started to receive complaints related to carbon monoxide exposure – 2,700 to be exact and 41 associated injuries as reported by the New York Times. These injuries ranged from nausea and light-headedness to loss of consciousness.

The federal agency launched an investigation into Explorer and Police Interceptors manufactured between 2011 and 2017. The agency found that during certain driving scenarios could result in elevated carbon monoxide exposure. Exhaust manifold cracks may be another issue involved.

Something does not seem right

This illustrates the lengthy process often required to uncover an installation or manufacturing defect. Do not write off concerns. Headaches may seem a minor annoyance, but failing to investigate what is causing them could lead to a blackout situation.

Your concerns could actually uncover a wider problem. When you worry that a manufacturing defect or after-market installation caused a serious injury, speak with an experienced products liability attorney. Remedies might provide you with needed compensation and ensure that no one else suffers a similar injury.

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